Fidia Falaschetti
Ci Manga (Pink Edition)
Edition size: 35
Print by: Print Them All
55 x 80 cm (21.6 x 31.5")
5 color lithography including colour hand finishing Papier BFK Rives 270 g
"The 80’s were a very cult decade for those who were born in the 70’s.
Kids grew up with the most poetic cartoon characters, especially those from Japanese Manga worlds.
We use to dream loads about hope, freedom, trust and most of those characters gave us the chance live our childhood and grow up in a very encouraging way.
But on the other hand, our new generation of kids seems lost, sad, cynical... they gulp anything down like junk food. They do not have dreams anymore, instead they are bored and have become consumers. This is the CI MANGA mood...
In Italian, MANGA word is pretty similar to MANCA, which means missed something... CI MANGA sounds like “We missed it”. I guess it sounds like "We are missing out on Astroboy and all our childhood cartoons' heroes".
Our children’s heroes seem to be dying while our new silly generation is ready to gulp him down." Fidia